Welcome To Girmitiya Foundation
GIRMITIYA FOUNDATION is an NGO, registered in India in 2019, have been working since 2018. The Foundation is helping all Foreigners who have Indian origin or who are related to India in some ways or other to reconnect with their history. Helping to trace their roots entangled with their ancestral land of inhabitance. We believe that Roots is our Identity, Culture, Pride, and the Way of Education and Heritage.
The Foundation is also working in the cultural field and is giving a platform to artists of Girmitiya origin. Foundation is promoting the relationship between India and all Girmitiya Countries and is organizing cultural event and Festivals GIRMITIYA FOUNDATION is also working towards the creation of a better Society which provides Education, Health and Empowerment to all and is developing awareness of our Ancestor's Sanskar for the new generation.
Girmitiya Foundation
Our Services
Education is Light, Education is Life, Education is Future and Good Education is Sanskar.... Support for Education, Culture and Nature.
Education is Light,Education is LifeEducation is Future and Good Education is Sanskar....Support for Education, Culture and Nature

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